PS Presents ❃ Solidarity Sunday

What does solidarity mean to you?

What does it look like?.. taste like?.. feel like?

The team here at Philly Solidarity hopes to redefine all of the above!

Welcome to our first Solidarity Sunday! An interactive event hosting singers, poets, activists, painters, politicians, and of course, THE PEOPLE, to connect over our art and our stories. Tucked away in a magical secret garden, we had performances, speakers, and interactive segments to spark dialogue and curiosity with plenty of food and drinks to set the mood. This curated event was meant to highlight the beautiful threads of culture and humanity that bind us all and foster a future where individuality and uniqueness are celebrated! Our events are always brave spaces where we encourage all to speak their truths and let their light shine bright for the world to see. Our goal was for all attendees to walk away feeling heard, understood, connected, and hopeful!

Together we shine brighter. Together we go further.


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