Community Spotlight ▸ Logic Philly

For our first community spotlight, we wanted to highlight a martial arts and martial arts-based fitness gym local to Philadelphia. Every Sunday in the month of April, Jimmy Tran and Kyle Huang of Logic Philly are offering free self-defense classes. There will also be a free women’s only class on May 2nd led by Morgan Huang.

We know self-defense is not a one-and-done type of training. Going to one self-defense class isn’t going to make us a pro but we hope it is a start to giving people their sense of power back. We want people to know there are options out there to protect ourselves and each other.

Sometimes all it takes for the attacker to back off is to fight back.

The goal of this training is to get people comfortable in stressful situations. Make something that feels unnatural natural until it becomes instinct.

When enough people fight back, people will start to question who they see as an easy target.

Key Takeaways

Be Aware of Our Surroundings

In today’s society, we always have to be on edge. Always aware of our surroundings and the situation so that as soon as something seems off, we can take precautions immediately. Keep your eyes up and not on your phone. Keep your hands free and out of your pockets.

Trust your gut!

Maintain Distance

The first thing we learned in the self-defense class was the importance of maintaining distance between you and the attacker. Don’t let them into your personal space. We learned the proper body and arm positionings to give us the most mobility while also protecting ourselves if they were to strike.

Keep them away long enough and they will leave.

Mitigate Situations

How are you going to get to and from somewhere? Can you walk with someone to the car? Can someone wait with you for your ride? Move in packs and create a buddy system if possible.

Planning ahead is key.

Event Signup Details


PS Presents ❃ Solidarity Sunday