Penn Arts and Sciences Report on Philly Rally of Solidarity

“My heart was full as I saw the true diversity of our city represented among our allies from the Black, Latinx, Middle Eastern, Muslim, Jewish, and white communities …”

— Rob Buscher

NBC10 Report on Philly Rally for Solidarity

“No more will they be silent. No longer will they hide their feeling.”

— NBC Philadelphia

WHYY Report on Philly Rally for Solidarity

“To many in Philadelphia, divorcing race from the murders ignored the country’s past treatment of Asians in the country.”


Philadelphia Inquirer Report on Philly Rally for Solidarity

“A racially diverse crowd of families with young children, young adults, and elders gathered …”

— Philadelphia Inquirer

Fox29 Report on Philly Rally for Solidarity

“Allies of other ethnicities and races came out to show them that they are not alone.”

— Fox 29

Pulitzer Center about Safe and Strong Workshop.png

The organizers had put much care into the planning of the event and made clear that the workshop was about psychological ties between people as much as it was about physical methods to protect yourself.

— Lucia Geng at Pulitzer Center